澳洲慢步調的生活型態、健全發展的教育制度、風光明媚、涼爽的天氣、farewell party上舞蹈表演的掌聲及轟動皆令我眷戀不已,但終究還是要離別,如果有機會,我希望能靠自己的力量再來一次這美麗的澳洲。
Dear Chole,
We had so much fun with you and Joey. You gave us so much more than pineapple cake. Many happy memories and a great cultural exchange. Maybe one day we can see Taiwan and you can be our guide. We hope you will remember the Hart Family with a smile. Celebrating Katie’s birthday, Lime spiders and Fat omlettes. You have given us many happy memories too. We will miss you.
From Jim, Astrid, Grace, Katie, Jasmine and Amelia