我們放學後去百貨公司,澳洲每一個星期四是shopping day,商場會開的比較晚,平常都很早就關店了!假日我們去黃金海岸,那裡的沙很漂亮,接著我們去逛皇后街,那裡有一家飲料店是台灣人開的,而我到了澳洲學習到很多東西,也讓我知道英文真的很重要。
To:Hsin Hwa High School,Taiwan
It has been a pleasure to host Amy (along with fellow student Emily and teacher Tiffany) during her tour to Australia-14th August to 26th August 2011
I have found Amy to be very polite. helpful and a generous young girl. From the first day in my home, Amy was confident in communicating with me. I believe Amy’s English has improved during the short time she has been in Australia.
We have enjoyed many fun nights over the past 12 days , sitting around the kitchen table and chatting about many different topics.
Amy has been very independent during her stay with me in getting ready for TAFE,preparing breakfast and doing her own washing. I have assisted on some occasions, but mainly Amy has been independent.
After dinner,Amy has aiso heiped with cleaning up and washing, wiping the dishes. She has also helped with some cooking, showing me a very delicious recipe using eggs and soft tacos and cooking delicious hot noodles!
Amy has been an excellent Homestay student and should be complimented on her good behavior!
Kindest regards,
Christine Gleadhill
Homestay Host